My skin has been a little tired looking lately and I wanted to find a product that worked deeper into the layers of my skin and to restore my skins natural balance again!


As part of being an Ambassador for the Mankind Collective, I was lucky enough to receive their Christmas Grooming Box late last year and amongst all of the incredible Male Grooming products, I came across Omorovicza.

Intrigued by the name and its minimalistic packaging, I did a little background research on their Deep Cleansing Mask and soon learnt that this product had been created by Omorovicza who had worked with a Hungarian Nobel prize winning laboratory! Rich in Calcium and Magnesium, this Deep Cleansing Mask aims to clear congested pores whilst drawing out impurities.

To apply, I ensured my face had been thoroughly cleansed beforehand to remove all skincare products prior to application. I then applied a rather thick amount onto my face and massaged this across my face which was left on for 20 minutes.

The consistency of the Mask itself was a contradiction in itself as it felt rather heavy and dense on my skin yet felt gentle and tingled ever so slightly throughout the application… I then rinsed the Deep Cleansing Mask off thoroughly and at first, my skin had a glow to it and appeared radiant! I felt that it gave my skin that much needed boost and as a few hours passed, my skin felt soft to touch. It was only after the 4th time of using this that I then began to see my pores reduce slightly, which is to be expected with any new mask you use!

This Deep Cleansing Mask is also suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians whilst remaining Gluten free and Phthalate free. For more details, click here and to purchase, click here.

Overall, a great introduction to a new discovery of mine!

Have you tried the Deep Cleansing Mask from Omorovicza before? What did you think to it? Have you tried any products from Omorovicza before? If so, which ones? Are there any you would like me to review in future? Do let me know your thoughts below as I would love to hear from you, and don’t forget to click the ‘like’ button below!

*Please note, this product had been gifted to me as part of a Gift-set, however, I was not asked to promote or review this. I simply did so because I enjoyed using it!